Firstly, please note that although the website frequently uses the term 'application' or
even 'app', the content which is referred to is that of an active website, i.e. a server-based
application - not a downloadable app.
The applications shown in this site serve a number of purposes:
- They demonstrate (very simply) some of the power of financial and mathematical
models. In business, numbers and graphs are invaluable aides to support reasoning and
communicate more powerfully than words alone.
- They may act as illustrations to some of the blogs.
These apps are illustrative only, not intended to be relied upon for any
investment decisions. Please refer to the Disclaimer.
Additional notes to the applications
- The applications displayed here do not require user registration. They may have
reduced functionality in comparison to those in the portal for registered users, and consume
less server resource.
- The applications open in popup windows, free of the formatting of the main
- No information that the user enters is stored once the popup is closed.
- These applications are active content of the site, not downloadable apps.
Applications have been separated into two categories so far:
- Financial
- Mathematical
It is the intention to add more applications, and this may lead to a more granular breakdown
in future.